
Pride 2021


Role: Lead Designer

  • Pride is always a magical time of year. For Compass it is an important opportunity to express to their clients and employees the allyship they have towards the LGBTQIA+ community. THe ask was to create a dynamic and multi-layered campaign that empowers agents, employees, and the Compass brand to socialize a celebratory message of inclusion, allyship, and individuality during Pride month. The ask was to create a dynamic and multi-layered campaign that empowers agents, employees, and the Compass brand to socialize a celebratory message of inclusion, allyship, and individuality during Pride month.

    Campaigns like this at Compass involve a team of designers that each pitch a different direction. After meeting with the designated stakeholders a vote is cast for the direction that they believe most closely evolves the brand while still staying true to the nature of the campaign theme. For 2021, my direction was chosen as the hero direction.

    The design system of the Compass Pride 2021 campaign highlights two key concepts: living as your true self and breaking free of any confines or limitations on your identity. Our design and messaging approach aims to emphasize the power and vibrancy of individuality. It aims to celebrate the uniqueness of all people. Because no matter who you are, you deserve to live with pride.

    • Campaign Identity + Messaging

    • Video Spotlight/Motion Design

    • Email bannerSocial Assets (static, Carousel, Story)

    • 50+ digital Assets

    • 800+ Downloads

    • 25 Happy Stakeholders

A campaign identity built to reflect the colorful, unique, and fluid members of the LGBTQIA+ Community.

Fluid mesh gradients that adapt to the various sexualities, and identities of their users paired with, and weave in and out of a grid system representative of the closet and what society considers normal.

 Live in your love <3